By Eric W. Dolan
Monday, January 2, 2012
With the nation’s first primary vote just a day away, Texas Rep. Ron Paul has lost his momentum after climbing to the top of the polls. He is down four points from last week, according to a survey released by Public Policy Polling (PPP) on Sunday night.
Despite the drop, Paul is still on top with 20 percent of the vote. But former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney trails behind by only 1 percent and Rick Santorum trails behind by only two percent.
PPP notes that “momentum in the race is completely on Santorum’s side.” He has gained 8 points in support since last week, while no other presidential candidate has seen more than a one point gain. Among voters who say they decided who to vote for in the last seven days, Santorum leads Romney by 12 points and Paul by 13 points.
The final result of the Iowa caucuses will probably be determined by who turns out to vote. A strong turnout among young voters and independents could propel Paul to the top, while a strong turnout among traditional Republicans is likely to bolster the chances of Romney or Santorum.
Paul’s campaign is still optimistic, regardless of losing their momentum. The candidate who once labeled nothing more than a “gadfly” by a former Bush strategist is still on top, albeit barely.
“As evidenced by the standing-room only crowds, Ron Paul has broad support and a top notch ground organization,” said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton. “Despite a coordinated assault by the establishment, Congressman Paul is in the lead and headed toward a top finish in the Hawkeye state.”
"LMFAO!!!!! Ha ain't neither one of them worth a Sh*t!!!!" Oh I can barely Stop Laughing... =) =) =) =) =) =)
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