David Frum, a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN, not a liberal, says Ron Paul is lying and being evasive about his lack of knowledge about the racist newsletters that carried his name.
Frum, a former member of the Bush administration, is being fair, I think. He states that Ron Paul probably really didn't write the racist rants in his newsletters, but that he had to have known full well about them.
A quote from the column:
It's fair to say that almost no one who has followed the controversy believes that Paul is telling the truth about any of this. The authorship of the newsletters is an open secret in the libertarian world: they were produced by a community of writers led by Paul aides Lew Rockwell and Murray Rothbard, who wrote a newsletter of their own at the same time that expressed similar ideas in similar language. The racism of the newsletters -- and the elaborate lying subsequently deployed to evade responsibility for the newsletters -- say much about the ethics of Paul himself and the circle around him.
Read the whole thing: http://www.cnn.com/2011/12/26/opinion/frum-ron-paul-newsletters/index.html?iref=...
Again, I truly believe Frum is being pretty fair here.
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