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Is Michele Bachmann Submissive?


The Tea Party queen was asked whether she would defer to her husband as president. Leslie Bennetts says it’s an important question—one the Republican candidate shouldn’t be allowed to deflect so easily.

Nice try, Michele, but no cigar.

And so far, the same might be said for the national press. As the 2012 presidential campaign gets underway, it looks as if it’s going to be a long, hard slog.

When Republican presidential candidates faced off Thursday night in the Iowa debate that set the stage for Saturday’s straw poll, it was a conservative columnist who asked Rep. Michele Bachmann a crucial question: what did she mean by her vow to be submissive to her husband?

The audience booed the question, which came from Byron York of the Washington Examiner. Bachmann smiled and said, “Thank you for that question, Byron. What submission means to me—if that’s what your question is—it means respect.”

No, Congresswoman, in fact, it doesn’t. Words have specific meanings, and your definition is incorrect, just as your answer to the question was disingenuous and obfuscatory. But so far, nobody is calling you on it.

From the outset, this whole issue was a problem Bachmann herself created; recalling that she hated the idea of pursuing a degree in tax law, she said she did so only because her husband told her to. “The Lord says, ‘Be submissive, wives. You are to be submissive to your husbands,’” she explained.

The Bachmann family is entitled to its belief system—one apparently shared by Michele’s brother-in-law, who has reinforced Michele’s description of her marriage to Marcus Bachmann with similar reference to theology: “He is her husband. The husband is to be the head of the wife, according to God,” said Peter Bachmann....

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