Enough Is Enough! March
Calling on all Americans to demonstrate the true will of the people
CALL TO ACTION: If you do not consent to being governed by corporations or billionaires...If you want to be heard by your government..If you're ready to stand up for America's democracy and your dignity as citizens...Join us. Let's build America's Tahrir Square.
We are calling for a peaceful and decisive demonstration to restore democracy in America. We want to see a million Americans turn up for a march in Washington with satellite rallies in every town and city.
As many acknowledge, we are on the cusp of losing our democracy. As everyday Americans, we just don't feel heard by our government. Representation has broken down.
What happens when our government fails to represent the People? What happens when power and wealth becomes more concentrated at the top? What happens when anti-government radicals take over our government and publicly declare their desire to burn it down or hold America's future for ransom?
We believe that we need a decisive demonstration of public (not just those on the left or the right, but the American people) discontent with our entire political and financial system. It is all too obvious that our system has been growing unstable for several decades. We have reached the point where We the People no longer have any confidence in Washington or Wall St. We can't go on like this. Check out Dylan Ratigan's Rant to hear more.
We the People must unite and stop the vicious cycle of corruption and dysfunction. We must demand structural changes in our institutions necessary to restore democracy and sanity.
We are resolved that a government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
"It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." — Abraham Lincoln, November 19, 1863
HOW: Just as Egyptian protesters gained momentum for their protests by organizing and demonstrating public support for their cause on Facebook and Twitter, our strategy is to gather a critical mass in terms of energy and number of people on the Enough is Enough Facebook page and Twitter.
The virtual march on Facebook will become a hub for organizing a decisive demonstration in Washington with sustained action at the local levels. We need to create Tahrir Squares all over the country.
Our action has to have three components.
1) It must be peaceful;
2) It must go beyond partisan politics and factionalism. It has to be the American people waking up and standing together. There is no progress for any group seeking change democratically if our democratic process is just failing us. No matter how we identify our political orientation, all of us want to live in a democratic society. We must unite to save our democracy at this point in our history;
3) Going forward, we must take our resolve to save our democracy and organize at the district-level to have sustained impact. Democracy is not a one-time event; it is a lifetime commitment. We are calling on you to commit to this!
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