Matt Gratz, Political Fail Blog-
The 11th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals has upheld a ruling by Judge Roger Vinson that says the most valued (to Obama) part of "Obamacare," which forces all Americans to purchase a service from an insurance company or face a penalty, to be unconstitutional.
The debate over whether or not the health care bill that forces Americans to support corrupt heath insurance companies has attracted the legal attention of 26 states, who oppose the President's plan. The news today will be looked at as a victory for the American people, and a loss to the huge insurance companies who were set to gain a huge new pool of customers.
Some say the bill went too far and others say it doesn't go far enough. The mandate absolutely goes too far. In my opinion, the American people hired Obama to bring change to the heath care system that would benefit the people, not the companies. All this bill does is add huge amounts of revenue to a failing heath care system and forces the American people to be a part of it. The same way the American people are forced to fund unwanted and some can argue unconstitutional wars.
Some say, "Well car insurance is mandated so what's the difference?"
Not everyone drives a car, and driving is considered a privilege not a right in the United States. Human life cannot be compared to an object, and in my view, we as a society should be taking care of each other. Should we classify human life and health as a privilege or a right in the USA?
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- added by: Pfailblog