Be Prepared, the Elite are!
Signs of the Coming End and Methods for Positive Transformation
Life on Earth has always been unpredictable, and has always involved both beauty and atrocity. It has also involved times of great upheaval, change, and revolution. We are currently on the precipice of MAJOR changes. Here is a top ten list of why America will likely soon face a collapse or revolution scenario,and what we can do in light of the situation.
Some of the problems listed here are uniquely American. Many are not. In our intimately interconnected world, the troubles of the United States are often the troubles of the West in general, and they significantly affect the majority of the world in which 80% of the global population survives on less that $10.00 a day. Similarly, the true advances and break throughs of individuals, when shared openly, will benefit all of mankind.
Many will view the coming collapse and revolutionary change as something negative. Unless humanity embraces a more loving, enlightened, or spiritually awakened view, the coming transformation will likely be quite destructive. This is certainly frightening to contemplate. Perhaps the more we accept the fact that this massive shift is coming, one which will likely occur on a global scale, the less scary it will be, and the better able we will be to direct it in a more positive light. The longer we remain in denial of the coming inevitable collapse or revolution, or the longer we do nothing to prepare for it and shape it positively, the more painful it will likely be.
The information provided on this page may seem overwhelming, but it is critical that we have an understanding of where we are and what options we have going forward. It is therefore of utmost importance that if you find this information to be useful or eyeopening to pass it along to others who would also benefit.
In the end, what is most important is that we as humans recognize our ability to connect to the universe and each other, to express love, and to do beautiful things. It is my belief that our faith and connection to a Higher Power or a positive and realistic relationship with the wondrous and mysterious natural world and the Universe at large will be what saves us. By saving us, I do not mean preserving society as we know it. We are entering a period in which the old world dies and a new one is born. It will soon become clear to you, if it is not already, that industrial civilization is about to suffer what may be a mortal blow. Apathy in the face of the world's problems will be the course for those who do not wish to adapt or continue on living. There are many specific developments taking place right now that urge us to begin waking up. Our actions in the material world are a direct reflection of our spiritual, intellectual, moral, and emotional maturity.
As we saw with 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and the economic meltdown, those in power who we have charged with leading us through hard times are not only incapable of doing so compentently, but are often significant contributors to the calamities themselves.
Citizen's United v Federal Election Commission
In 2010, the US Supreme Court decided that corporations, both foreign and domestic, which are considered legally to be persons and are granted "equal protection" by the 14th Amendment of the US constitution, have the ability to spend as much money as they wish on political campaign advertisements. This was done under the logic that as a legal person, a corporation must have its First Amendment rights protected. Although labor unions were also granted this ability, the move is widely believed to give large multinational corporations and foreign corporations, with billion dollar annual revenues, even more leverage in influencing politicians and corrupting the political process in favor of the growing plutocracy, or rule by the wealthy elites.
Inform people about this landmark supreme court decision.
Do not allow yourself to be influenced by political advertisements, whether positive or negative.
If you do vote, when possible vote for third party candidates or candidates who run on a platform of refusing large corporate support.
Realize that in the words of Ammon Hennacy, voting with your body, ie your life, your career, your actions, is a far more powerful way to vote than at the ballot box. In fact, in our current situation, it is probably the only meaningful means of participation.
Corporate Media Consolidation
Six corporations now control the majority of radio, television, and print media that Americans consume. While alternative media outlets are out there, this sort of consolidation means that most Americans are receiving a very narrow perspective on what is happening in the world. The sort of reporting people are exposed to on the major networks often contains outright lies and manipulations favorable to the corporate and political centers of power. Rather than functioning as a healthy part of the "fourth estate," media today serves more as a megaphone for entrenched power, pushing the agendas of monied interests rather than supplying diverse, in depth, or honest reporting. While the Internet allows for a wider spectrum of views to be expressed, the views put forth by mainstream media continue to be the most prevalent. Further, Net Neutrality is coming under attack, which will potentially favor Internet access to the sites of wealthy corporate interests who can pay for enhanced bandwidth access.
Media consolidation is a huge issue, because those who control the media that the majority of people consume will clearly control their understanding of reality and thus their ability to live free and shape their future. Without a strong media, public ignorance, apathy, and decadence perpetuated through the propaganda of the mainstream news will eventually lead to widespread revolt, potentially violent, when the corporate spun fantasies are shattered and the reality of living under a system that is inherently violent and oppressive becomes apparent.
Seek information from a variety of sources which do not all agree with one another. While you will likely form a specific opinion about a particular matter, it is important to understand the rationale of several perspectives.
Don't assume common knowledge is correct knowledge, even if that common knowledge comes from within a fringe organization. Question generalizations and sound byte rhetoric.
Consume alternative, non corporate media, and financially support those outlets you believe are contributing to a deeper understanding of reality.
Once you are thoroughly convinced of the brokenness of the system and how it cannot be fixed with the same consciousness that created it, focus less on news and more on transformation.
You are much larger, much greater than the images shown to you on your television screen. You deserve a truly beautiful world to live in.
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