Earlier this week, two Democratic senators proposed the "Congressional Overspending Pay Accountability Act," which would make members of Congress subject to the types of pay cuts and furloughs the sequester is inflicting on many other government agencies.
Many people – loosely known as "the entire American populace" – have been critical of how Congress' inaction allowed sweeping government cuts to be triggered on Friday without any of those cuts affecting their pay or benefits. Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., said Congressional representatives should have to endure the same financial hardships as other government employees. Via Government Executive:
“The federal workforce is looking at furloughs that would result in a sizeable pay cut -- and there’s absolutely no reason members of Congress should exempt themselves,” McCaskill said. “We can and should reach a balanced compromise to replace these damaging across-the-board cuts, but until we do, this is an obvious step to hold Congress accountable for the job we need to get done.”
Do you think Congress members should have to feel the pinch of the cuts they let happen? Or would that backfire by giving them less time to work on legislation that would end the sequester cuts?
Should Congress take pay cuts and furloughs, too, or will that only make them more ineffective?
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