WE MUST DESTROY THE TOO BIG TO JAIL BANKS. They are the puppet masters that control even the military of the United States.We must at least demand our impotent government to man up and prosecute and regulate them. They are the Global New World Empire, The War Profiteers, and brokers of death, and they want us all dead !
" Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty."
This is analogous to the concepts predicated in the genocidal social science FICTION bombshell the " PROTOCOLS ", and in Bernay's "The Engineering of Consent". Both of these works can be seen as blueprints for, or inspirational tools , at least in the machinations of global financial cartel's agenda. One may reference Huxley's Brave New World, and Orwell's 1984, as well. Our government communicates in the Newspeak of the Bankers secret language, and aids and abets the Plutocracy in covering up it's huge corporate criminal history, and their use of America's military as their own private corporate army, by re-writing the laws for them, and the medicated mass media turns a blind eye of indifference to this reality, because they kiss the hands that feed them.
The Obama administration and the entire Congress are complicit in this economic war crime spree, and they have failed to seriously investigate and prosecute the greatest theft and transfer of wealth in recorded history, and it is a prelude to the rise of the the great Die off, or the Great Culling, whereby the minority apartheid 1% billionaire class exterminates 50 - 80 % of mankind, because they do not need our labor, want to preserve "their" resources and fear our numbers will overwhelm them before they can complete the implementation of their mass murderous conspiracy to finally rule the entire planet unopposed.
A False Flag Flies over America, and it has only one star.
We have given our consent to the Tyrants, in their twisted justification (by our tacit approval of) the superfluous policies enacted by congress ostensibly for the common good, but in reality only for the good of the New World Empire's Apartheid agenda. Similarly we give tacit consent to Mandatory vaccines, NDAA, Gun control, Homeland security and Police state brutality, violations and abolishment of the Bill of Rights, the specious arguements made to bail out the banks and the nauseating faux fascination with the 'Royals", as seen with the marriage coverage of Prince Willy, and the Queen's Jubilee. We further ingratiate the ruling class by continuing to watch Fox News, CNN and all the fabricated entertainment news. We fuel their fortunes by shopping at Wal Mart and buying Royal Dutch Shell, BP and Exxon-Mobil gasoline.
We foolishly continue to kiss the hand that feeds, pay usury on credit cards and home mortgages, sucked into the false hope that we may attain wealth and status in a crooked, rigged, un- free enterprise system that is free only to those above the law, that manipulate the markets as insiders, and we hope that tomorrow will get better.
Guess what : there will be no economic recovery, not for us, there will be no new good jobs, there will be no more American Freedom, unless we all stop paying and get off the tread mill. Game on- and the game is Radical Reformation. Arrest and prosecution of the Heads of the major Banks and financial sectors, the FED, demanding recall of traitorous military generals loyal to the New World Empire and a abolishment of NDAA, Citizens United, and UN treaties which obligate America to restrict rights of citizens. A complete censure of congress and arrest of corporate criminal CEO's, their lobbyists and foreign agents not loyal to the constitution of the United States, Bill of Rights and least of all to American Sovereignity and individual freedom.
We are a nation of sheep, lead by wolves, fooled by thieves, and the predator drones are coming to a town near you to rid the Neo-Feudal Colony-America of hooligans and opposition populations who have slept through the coup.We are victims of treason and the traitors are our elected representatives, who took the bribes and joined the great tradition of entrenched political corruption, secrecy and subversion of the principals for which America once used to stand on. Our foundations have crumbled, and the enemy is within, soon to hunt us down in the name of 'common good' for the future of their own personal kingdom of hell on earth.
American Coups are nothing new, An attempted American coup d'etat: 1934.(excerpt)
An attempted coup d'etat censored out of our history books, courtesy of corporate America, but not supported by the military, so European fascism didn't happen that time. Fascism has to have the support of both corporate power and will and military/police power and obedience together or it doesn't happen. Watch out America; the Pentagon and the Multinationals are already in allignment and have instituted Friendly Fascism outside our borders already; just ask Afghanistanis, Iraqis, Iranians, Colombians, Nicaraguans and the rest of the exploited and raped third world and the suffering poor in our own American ghettos and concentration camps.
Matt Taibbi, Jeff Goodell and Tim Dickinson, all from Rolling Stone Magazine are the very few investigative journalist sources we can all trust concerning the huge conspiracy, and ya gotta love Victor Juhasz's illustrations.
The last sentence in Taibbi's artical asks" So what do we do now ? "
I say everyone file bankruptcy and stop paying their mortgages. This one unified act will dramatically curtail the power of the globalist empire to exact it's murderous hegemony over the lives of free citizens who act in concert and know their enemy. We are armed too, with the truth, with guns, with refusal to pay and with mortal vengeance.
YOU MUST READ : http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/gangster-...
and listen to Dr. Rima's plea to avert the great culling and the UN's Agenda 21.
President Dwight Eisenhower warned America in his 1961 farewell address, we did not listen. read it now:
A final quote:
"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty—power is ever stealing from the many to the few…. The hand entrusted with power becomes … the necessary enemy of the people. Only by continual oversight can the democrat in office be prevented from hardening into a despot: only by unintermitted Agitation can a people be kept sufficiently awake to principle not to let liberty be smothered in material prosperity."
-- Wendell Phillips, speech in Boston, Massachusetts, January 28, 1852
We are Anonymous, We do not forgive, We do not forget, expect us.
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