New York’s Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act that passed in January will effectively outlaw most firearms in the state. The law mandates a seven round maximum capacity for ammunition magazines and there are currently no manufacturers producing seven round magazines. According to the Democrat and Chronicle, no manufacturer plans to start making them.
“There was never a need for a (seven-round magazine),” Paul Martin, owner of Pro-Gun Services in Victor, New York, told the Democrat and Chronicle. “Not many manufacturers are going to bother to make something just for the state of New York.”
The Democrat and Chronicle contacted a number of manufacturers to see if they plan to make seven round clips. Remington, Smith and Wesson, Pro Mag Industries and Brownells did not respond. Glock had no comment. Of the small number who responded, none gave a definitive answer.
“We will not be marketing anything specific to New York,” Karl Hoffman, an account executive for the magazine manufacturer Metalform told the Democrat and Chronicle.
“Can you realistically expect a company that’s huge to gear up and say, ‘Let’s make something for those poor suckers in New York because they’ve got a bad law?” said Fred Calcagno, owner of American Sportsman gun shop.
“That number, 7, was not arbitrary,” an NRA member posted on the Smith & Wesson forum. “They chose it because it was more than most revolvers hold, but fewer rounds than most semi-autos. They can now claim they aren’t restricting sportsmen or target shooters because they were magnanimous enough to allow guns that carry more than wheel guns… which aren’t evil military style weapons.”
“Add to that there are nearly zero seven round mags available for most handguns and rifles and you have a de facto to ban on hundreds of weapons not specifically addressed by the legislation.”
The NRA member is right — Cuomo and the gun-grabbers in New York did not simply pull the number seven out of a hat. They knew imposing this limit on clips would effectively outlaw a large number of firearms and create a new class of criminals.
“Perhaps that is the reason they passed this law – as a back-door method of instituting a sweeping ban on semiautomatic handguns,” Anna Rittgers wrote in January.
“The practical result will be the state prohibiting law abiding gun owners from using their handguns in self defense, as it will become illegal to use even the most common firearms. There is no ‘grandfather clause,’ so legal gun owners who comply with New York State’s existing ten round magazine limit will have to sell or dispose of thousands of those magazines within a year to comply with the new law. Those that fail to comply – who possess magazines that can hold eight or more bullets – will be guilty of a misdemeanor.”
er of firearms and create a new class of criminals.
“Perhaps that is the reason they passed this law – as a back-door method of instituting a sweeping ban on semiautomatic handguns,” Anna Rittgers wrote in January.
“The practical result will be the state prohibiting law abiding gun owners from using their handguns in self defense, as it will become illegal to use even the most common firearms. There is no ‘grandfather clause,’ so legal gun owners who comply with New York State’s existing ten round magazine limit will have to sell or dispose of thousands of those magazines within a year to comply with the new law. Those that fail to comply – who possess magazines that can hold eight or more bullets – will be guilty of a misdemeanor.”
- added by: im1mjrpain