All the information you will ever need to defeat anyone who defends Capitalism!
It's not too far of a stretch to even highlight the recent mass shootings and the direct correlation to Capitalism and the Gun Lobby that Capitalism has provided to give us the best Congress money can buy. STOP think, how you are manipulated everyday by Capitalism and what it has done to our minds!!!!!!
The United States has been under the dominance of several different predatory capitalist cabal groups from its inception:
1787: An oligarchic cabal that perpetrated a coup d'etat in concocting and pushing through a plutocratic Constitution
1796-1800: The Federalist party cabal that seized dictatorial power during the John Adams presidency
1830-1900: The The Rothschild-Belmont Cabal that manipulated the American South to start the disastrous civil war
1913: The capitalist cabal that seized control of the U.S. in the first two decades of the twentieth century
Over the last one hundred years, the current capitalist cabal has destroyed the minds, bodies, and souls of millions of Americans. Capitalism has murdered--and is continuing to murder--American and world citizens in imperialist wars and economic crimes such as the prime mortgage assault, bank foreclosures, and the criminal theft of taxpayer money in the bailout of big banks and financial institutions.
This essay explains how capitalism has destroyed most Americans' minds, making it impossible for them to comprehend reality. This mind-destruction by the cabal constitutes a terrorist operation. 1 We'll examine how Plato was able to develop human thought from the oral, non-literate phase to the stage of critical thinking, self-awareness, and intelligent decision-making. We'll explore how the current cabal has destroyed the human mind to the point that most persons no longer possess these capabilities, resulting in a sub-human, illiterate, anti-rational culture. We'll conclude by reviewing how humankind can regain its capacity for reasoning and critical consciousness.
Within the devastated minds of most Americans, Enlightenment values have been replaced with counterfeit quackery and senseless gibberish.
Henry Steele Commager, in his book The Empire of Reason, points to "a common harvest of ideas, attitudes, and even of programs" within the Enlightenment: "recognition of a cosmic system governed by the laws of Nature and Nature's God; faith in Reason as competent to penetrate to the meaning of those laws and to induce conformity to them among society in many ways irrational; commitment to what Jefferson called 'the illimitable freedom of the human mind,' to the doctrine of progress, and--with some reservations--to the concept of the perfectibility of Man; an ardent humanitarianism that attacked torture, slavery, war, poverty, and disease; and confidence that Providence and Nature had decreed happiness for mankind."
The capitalist cabal is currently destroying workers' contact with reality: a deliberately annihilative operation we can identify as reality terrorism. Cabal propagandists try to make you believe that reality is only what they tell you it is:
The Iraq and Afghanistan wars are essential to our national security.
The capitalist economy remains exactly the same wonderful system of a free market with an invisible hand making certain that all persons, rich and poor alike, benefit.
If a person commits a crime, whether that person is rich or poor, he will unquestionably be convicted and receive punishment.
George W. Bush legally won the 2000 election and served as the legitimate U.S. president.
Barack Obama is a progressive leader who has the welfare of all U.S. citizens at heart.
All of these statements are lies!
The current capitalist cabal has, from its inception in the early decades of the twentieth century, tried to foist its own interpretation of reality on the working class, calling this interpretation REALITY. It created a highfalutin name for this process of twisting reality: Realism.
- added by: kennymotown