Green Party Candidates Arrested, Shackled to Chairs For 8 Hours…. After Trying to Enter Presidential Debate
This is who I am voting for... for president!
What we see in this video: (A video Ignored and not aired on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN…etc.) We see an armed Police force Arresting Legitimate Candidates who I am voting for... Arrested for What ? Handcuffed to metal chairs for eight hours! Presidential Candidates Arrested? This is like something that Stalin or Mussolini would do. ~
What we are seeing is:
Is a constitutional democracy stepping into totalitarianism, using it's self-given authority giving it a controlled monopoly on it's use of the nation's police and military power and our nation's mass communication networks; as a tool for suppression of dissent and we can clearly see the suppression of true Democracy ~ With the arrest and handcuffing of an official Presidential Candidate for eight hours! These strong-armed tactics are more common in one-party systems are found in totalitarian states,with government-controlled economies and dictators. " But, this current version of totalitarianism is a new twist on an a very old theme... What we see before us are two parties that are controlled and funded by the same shadowily corporate entities... in a game ~ where the two so called separate political parties are in fact..working together as ONE Corporate Party" Masquerading as TWO opposite parties. The Intent of the money and power behind the scenes who are pulling the strings and controlling both parties is simple... To not to give the U.S. citizens any choice other than the "TWO Official Corporate Candidates of the Republicans & Democrats" Candidates that they both fund & own i.e.
\ Coke vs Pepsi.
This video shows a criminal act waged against all U.S. Citizens... A totalitarian act targeting free choice of all Americans citizens and our Democracy, A criminal act using strong Armed Henchmen dressed as police under direction of Pure Home-Grown Fascism ~ by the same criminal entities that caused and profited from war the destruction of our economy.
What Are They Scared Of ???
They are scared of not controlling the message... They are scared of having to address damaging topics that new voices will bring into the Debate!!! The Corrupt Corporate entities controlling these staged Debates and our Elections... Do Not want the truth to come out or the real issues to be addressed or even discussed.
The league of Woman Voters ran the debates for many, many years and ran it with integrity! Under The league of Woman Voter's rules... the rules would have allowed Jill Stein participate into these debates…. To debate the real issues... that by design are today being squelched out and not addressed by either corporate candidates…
Issues like:
(1) The on going criminal Acts commited by Criminal Bankers against the population.
(2) Our Endless War Machine continuing to suck every dollar from our treasury destroying our economy.
(3) Homeland Security Militarizing our Local Police and training them to Target U.S. Citizens.
(4) Our Government War against it's own Citizens ~ Spying all U.S. Citizens.
(5) The Petroleum Industry destroying our water supplies by Fracking.
(6) The Petroleum Industry destroying our country and environment by forcing the Keystone XL Pipeline.
(7) Global Warming
(8) Green Energy Development
(9) Nuclear Industry Pollution
(10) Monsanto Poising every man woman & child and hiding that poison in our food!
(11) Our Own on going U.S. Global Terrorism using Killer Drones to terrorize populations everywhere with hundreds of innocent victims.
(12) U.S. War Crimes… Secret Prisons and Torture Water Boarding.
But What we get is... No discussion at all ~ not even a word on any of these very, very important subjects ! The Debates are no more than a phony scripted Circus Act… A puppet show ~ put-on for one reason... to fool the public into thinking...that we really have a choice ! When in fact... WE REALLY DON'T !
All they give us is...Coke or Pepsi… Their intent is clear.... They want to make 100% sure that things will never change from the current corrupt statuesque.
What we see… is a rigged corrupt game being played out before all of us!
- added by: gerardange