Part 1 of 2
Hello all,
What follows is an extremely important and URGENT message that every U.S. citizen should be aware of. We contemplated not releasing this information to the general public yet; however, after experiencing a significant postponement (and also realizing that at this point this matter is far too important to withhold from the public any longer) we decided against any additional release delay. One final thing that I would like to add to this intro is for artists that are inspired by some of what is displayed below. To all artists that are inspired to create art that they will exclusively freely share with the public you are encouraged to do so. The consent referenced below covers that...just include things like relevant links, relevant tags, and of course proper credit, etc. (again, refer to the consent). This even applies to those who feel inspired to record and freely share their own rendition of the included poem. We know how we will perform the poem when we release our video, but we nonetheless encourage others to freely share their vision...again, just remember the things like links, tags, credit, etc.
FYI, the below message (except here in this forum the two links have been made active and the recipients aren't displayed) has been emailed to various entities that are, at least to an extent, capable of encouraging the execution of justice and capable of affecting change.
Thank you
Being one that has been made aware of rampant and major public corruption that has extended to things such as the 2012 election (remember the June 2012 emails?) you have been forwarded this email. If you didn’t receive one or both of those emails then just ignore that statement and please review these new materials…they will “get you up to speed” on everything. There is a one page fact chart at the following url:
That chart tells a true and horrible story and an accompanying supplement / investigative report / etc. fills in the gaps and fleshes out that true story in a manner that proves to be largely incontrovertible. For the record, there is a smaller (but nonetheless informative) chart that was added to the supplement as a “late addition” atop page 162. That chart makes the things that have occurred all the more disconcerting. FYI, there are bound to be some readers who aren’t happy about what they see on the two charts; therefore, I ask that all who receive this correspondence please understand that the charts merely reflect facts. Having stated all that, the supplement is illustrated and spans 197 pages. The truthful supplement can be obtained at the following url:
Obviously it may take a few minutes for the file to download. However, being one that is concerned with issues to which the report pertains you will quickly realize that the wait was worth it. While on the download process, I’ll add that there is a simple “human confirmation step” that must be completed. We felt that this was a better option than utilizing a service that requires viewers to relinquish their anonymity—relinquish their anonymity via a login process—in order to see the damning materials.
I will keep the “business end” of this email relatively brief for everything you need to know about the epic scandal is at the above urls. However, I will share four more things with you in this email. First, be sure to see the consent on page 197. Second, to all who are reading this if you don’t already know it, please realize that major/astounding/disturbing/frightful crimes are still underway. As the saying goes, “the proof is in the pudding”. And in this case pudding = report. Third, below is an informative poem that was penned specifically for the report. Fourth, the poem can be found on pages 183-185 and, for readers’ convenience, critical information (such as the embedded page numbers, etc.) is highlighted in the version of the poem that is included in the report. For those who find some of the pdf file’s print challenging to read please remember to zoom-in on the small text.
“The Induction of Gatorgait”
From Florida to Cali egregious crimes have been committed.
Undeniably, the righteous against the damned have been pitted.
During the course people and things upon have been sh!++@d
via acts even the worst heathens wouldn’t permitted.
Thus it’s time for Gatorgait’s perps to be sitted
behind perimeters of concrete, steel, razor wire, and glass.
Time for them to relinquish a few pounds of flesh from their a$$.
And that’s for each and every one of you poor excuses for humans…
so many acting like you’re only four administrations past Truman’s.
And from Harry to your figurative kindred spirit Henry…no not Ford or The Fonz…the one that is Fond
and trailed by an “uh”; like he you’ve enriched yourselves and put yourselves in gold…just not a pond.
It’s not even like Lake Alice at the university.
You see it’s like it’s more like it’s a sea
due to the fact that you’ve completely voluntarily
been abusing
the jobs in which you had some control…in choosing
to escape—that is, seemingly—the ranks of the demimonde.
Methinks you should have fought temptation, been satisfied with life’s lovely pond.
Alas that would be too simple. However, we shall not waste time & space and expound;
but the line of this poem that touches upon a miracle indicates with a deep look that you’ve turned it into a battleground.
We shall digress while on the subject of the word battleground. It’s interesting that in political circles Florida is referred to as that kind of state,
too bad for you we’re gonna bust your likely plan for the big steal of November ’12 before it’s too late.
Time to revisit Fonzarelli. For because your craps…make that crap-py ways
have messed up many-many-many “Hap-py Days”
fines and resigns…won’t suffice.
That’s absolute fact, it’s not time to play nice.
You’re wretched souls and you roll loaded dice.
We told “investigators” months ago via Yahoo! “this issue goes high”.
We’re not like you co-conspirators…unh-unh, see the June email referenced on page 194. We don’t lie.
Now you find yourselves in a spot like you tried to squeeze into a thing that’s tight,
but it’s your own d@mn fault cause time and time and time again you refused to do the thing that’s right.
Bad actors creating a laundry list that’s filled with problem after problem,
Henry of Fonz fame would say there’s no denying it’s gonna take “MacGyver” 2.0 plus some to solve all ’em.
Too much power…and you’re abusing it by a gross amount aren’t you?
Think we’ll call ya’ll Jay Roach, cause ya even directing us to a “Recount” - Part 2.
Antitrust hmm, Yahoo!’s beset by Google in an apparent corporate assail.
Pages 67, 72, 46, 47 & 154 in that telling sequence speak volumes…readers thinkin’ “Seriously?...Do tell.”
Monopoly has betrayed ALL OF YOU in - an - ep - ic - fail.
Like the dice game no delay GO - DI - REC - TLY - TO - JAIL!
Just like your victims can you say “time - in - liv - ing - he!!”?
Another quick note about Ya-hoo!
over which we won’t cry boo-hoo.
Is we’re gon-na keep go-ing
and keep - the fight grow-ing,
enga-ging, and obviously alive.
But so readers can have more information on Yahoo! take a peek at page 45.
Now back to the hellions. Clearly you’ve behaved like the evilest heretics,
now you insult intelligence with talk about ethics.
You stamp everything with “In God We Trust”,
but horrible worldly things are truly what you lust.
Hubris and immorality unchained
and uncontained…
as has been previously implied,
(Continued at part 2 at )
- added by: SB100