Many people have taken note of the copious amount of water consumed by Paul Ryan during the Vice Presidential debate. Most of the comments have been in the character of a good-natured ribbing. But there might be a more tangible explanation that fits with several known or observable facts about Ryan.
Long term steroid use can produce changes in the body (particularly in the liver) that are not easily reversible. Symptoms include greatly increased thirst, frequent urination, and weight loss. These symptoms become quite pronounced when a steroid user progresses to full "steroid induced diabetes".
I've known acknowledged, former steroid users who did extreme training and had these symptoms. They immediately jumped to mind as I watched Ryan in the debate. The impression was so strong I imagined there must have been subliminal clues in Ryan's mannerisms.
Now Paul has been looking uncomfortably thin of late. (Perhaps the stress of the campaign.) And he does seem to like his water. We don't know if he headed straight for the little boys room after the debate. Still, I now find find myself asking whether it is the P-90X alone which is responsible for Ryan's 6-pack abs. Or did he have a little "juice" with those work outs?
- added by: Gordon_Shumway